Images created for the Kaiserslautern Media Center Exhibition (February-March, 2014).
They are based on the photographs of Mr. Peter Turgetto (*1882-†1960). Mr. Turgetto was the first director of the State Image Archive Rheinpfalz and founder of the Medienzentrum Kaiserslautern.
I selected several photos with the assistance of the Medienzentrum Director, Mr. Rainer Blasius, and painted the scenes on my iPad. My goal was to make it appear as if I was standing next to Mr. Turgetto, painting, while he took the photograph. Most photos are from before 1940.
auf Deutsch …
Die Bilder wurden für das Medienzentrum Kaiserslautern kreiert.
Sie baieren auf den Fotografien von Peter Turgetto (*1882-†1960). Peter Turgetto war der erste Direktor der Landesbildstelle Rheinpfalz und Gründer des Medienzentrums Kaiserslautern.
Mit Hilfe des Leiters des MZKL, Herrn Rainer Blasius, wählte ich verschiedene Fotos aus und malte die Szenen auf meinem iPad. Mein Ziel war es, den Anschein zu erwecken, als stände ich malend neben Herrn Turgetto, während er das Foto aufnahm. Die meisten Fotos entstanden vor 1940.
The drawings
From photo to the first sketch to the finished drawing

Artist notes
I learned a lot about Kaiserslautern from this project. I visited every place where Mr. Turgetto took his photographs. Some of the places are familiar today; Spinnrädl is one such place. Other places have changed a bit, such as streets and buildings around the Fruchthalle. The fountain next to the Stiftskirche has been replaced (the original is in the Count Palatinate Hall in central Kaiserslautern; a tour by the Kaiserslautern Tourist Information center is required to see it). Other places were lost completely; the Synagoge was torn down in 1938 (monument at Spittlestraβe & Luisenstraβe) and all of the buildings in the Marktstraβe photo and drawing, except for Stiftskirch in the distance, were destroyed by allied bombing in World War II.
All images Copyright © 2018, Michael Liebhaber, and cannot be used without permission. If you wish to use some of my artwork, please contact me first to ask for permission.